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Programme (Click here)
Dr Deborah "Debbie" Robson is a member of the Nicotine Research Group at the National Addiction Centre, King’s College London, with over 30 years of experience in clinical practice, education, and research. Her work focuses on addressing the needs of populations often excluded from mainstream tobacco control efforts while ensuring the voices of these underserved groups are central to the research process. Debbie has co-developed and evaluated tobacco dependence treatment pathways, staff training programmes, and smokefree and e-cigarette policies within mental health services and currently leads a programme of tobacco research across acute, mental health, and community settings. Her work includes exploring the effectiveness of vaping in helping people in high-prevalence smoking groups quit and understanding its potential harms compared to smoking. She is a co-author of the Public Health England/Office of Health Improvement and Disparities commissioned e-cigarette evidence reviews 2018-2022. She also collaborates with the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (UK) to develop training resources and is a Trustee for Action on Smoking and Health (England).
Programme (Click here)
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Unisanté propose, le 16 septembre 2021, une conférence satellite francophone. Les thématiques suivantes concernant le tabac et la nicotine seront abordées :
Programme (Cliquez-ici)
Pour afficher uniquement le programme de la conférence satellite, cliquez sur le bouton 'Thu Sep 16' et sélectionnez dans le menu à droite 'Tracks' : Session francophone