On Monday, we will open the conference with a stimulating debate.
From all the propositions submitted in response to our call, the following was chosen:
"Is nicotine use rational?"
We have for you a great panel of experts who will discuss this proposition:
- Dr Wayne Hall, Emeritus Professor, National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research, The University of Queensland
- Dr Lynne Dawkins, Professor of Nicotine and Tobacco Studies, Centre for Addictive Behaviours Research, London South Bank University
- Dr Yael Bar-Zeev, Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem -Hadassah Medical Center
- Dr Lion Shahab, Professor of Health Psychology, Department of Behavioural Science and Health, University College London.
On Monday, there are two pre-conference workshops.
Pre-conference workshop 1: Meet the editor of Nicotine and Tobacco Research, with Marcus Munafo
Pre-conference workshop 2: The Addiction Ontology and how to use it when designing, reporting and using studies
Speakers: Robert West, Sharon Cox, Caitlin Notley, Kirstie Soar
Background: The field of nicotine and tobacco research needs more clarity, consistency, and coherence in the usage of terms and constructs. 'Ontologies' are computer-readable ways of achieving this. They are a way of representing knowledge whose use is growing rapidly in science, engineering, and commerce and underpin artificial intelligence programmes to improve the efficiency of science. The 'Addiction Ontology' (AddictO) and a key part of this, the 'E-Cig Ontology' (E-CigO), together with the Behaviour Change Intervention Ontology (BCIO) have been under development for several years and are now sufficiently evolved to be able to be used in research, policy, and practice.
Aims: To provide participants with guided hands-on experience in using AddictO/ECigO when designing, reporting, and using studies, and to build a community of practice that can help evolve these ontologies over time.
Content: The workshop will begin with a recap on why the field needs to embrace ontologies as a matter of routine, giving examples of the huge wasted effort and resource that arises from a lack of clarity in the way that key constructs are defined and labelled. It will then introduce participants to the ontologies, including their scope and structure, including tobacco and nicotine use behaviours and products as well as details of factors influencing behaviours such as aspects of identity, motivation, and addiction. It will then introduce the online tools that have been developed to visualise, search and explore these ontologies for constructs that one wishes to include in protocols reports, and interventions. It will then guide participants through exercises to help them become proficient in easily referencing ontology entities in their papers using bibliographic tools such as Zotero and Endnote. Finally, it will include a discussion about next steps and how to get involved in a community of practice to further develop these ontologies